KOPE helps you supply your products to any construction project.
As a fabricator, KOPE helps you collect your product rules, then connect them to digital assets - meaning designers use your products the way you intended, with less rework after specification.
As a contractor involved in the manufacturing of construction products, KOPE allows you to quickly respond to tenders and make more informed decisions leveraging the knowledge contained within your own business.
As product sales lead, KOPE helps you promote your business and your products to a wider audience, allowing specifiers to understand what you can offer, and integrate your catalog directly into their projects.
Your journey
Showcase your products
Connect with specifiers who are looking for the best products for their projects. Our platform helps you showcase your products to the right people, based on their specific needs and requirements.
Bring products and projects together
Every project is unique. Showcase products that meet special requirements or logistical restrictions to the designers working on projects that need them.
Manage your product catalog
Upload your product information, including 3D models, drawings, and specifications, to our platform. You can control the version of your product information that specifiers see, ensuring that they always get the latest and greatest version of your products.
Create digital products
Create digital versions of your products, which can be used in specifiers' designs. Your digital products are always driven by your manufacturing rules and kept compatible with the latest design software, so you can be sure specifiers have a realistic view of your products.
Test in active projects
Test your products in active projects to make sure they’re ready for use. Specifiers can see how your products perform in real-world designs, before they commit to using them in their own projects.
Advanced sales and procurement
When your products are chosen for a project, KOPE will connect you with the specifier so you can discuss the technical details of your products and answer questions. KOPE also helps with the design and specification process, making sure your products integrate smoothly.
Connect to internal processes
KOPE connects your digital products to your manufacturing process by aligning your digital products to your ERP systems and product data across your business.
Your products inside projects
KOPE brings cutting-edge computational technology to your products without you needing to do any of the technical work. What used to take months of drawing or modelling now happens in seconds.
Your products can be tested by your specifiers on their own projects, or you can use the platform to support your own sales and business development processes.
Connect to outputs
Using KOPE to define your standard drawing templates means that specifiers will send over design information exactly how you like to receive it.
KOPE automatically generates drawings, schedules, and reports to your requirements. No more manual redrafting for incoming bids.
Benefits for suppliers
Build your digitally enabled product library with ease
Embed and share product logic inside assets that designers can use
Get your products and systems used in more projects
Connect and collaborate directly to specifiers
Integrate your shop drawings and data sheets
Register and manage data for free
Showcase your business and win more work
Show the capabilities of your products to specifiers
Centrally manage your product catalogue
Collaborate with design teams on their projects
Avoid back and forth on product guidance
Customer testimonials
"We cannot keep designing and building the way we do now. There isn’t enough labor, it generates too much waste and CO2, supply chains are broken, it is too expensive and on and on. The current process of designing a building, bidding it out and then figuring out if it can actually be built (should not) survive. KOPE’s “products into projects” is the future. Design from the start with products that you know are constructible, that you know you can procure, and that are manufactured offsite requiring less skilled labor and with less environmental impact."
"The KOPE construction platform has the potential to unlock the power of data in a sector which has to date found it hard to implement the benefits and learnings seen in other sectors. KOPE could provide an alternative platform which enables construction thinking to become circular, unlocking the ability to develop, learn and improve the way we design, manufacture, deliver, operate and ultimately recycle the built environment, creating a sustainable and efficient sector moving forward."
"KOPE has been a game changer for Barton Malow’s LIFTbuild. A process that took 6 weeks to complete can now be completed in a day and instead of one design option we can present several. With KOPE, LIFTbuild not only transforms the building process but the conceptual design and estimating process. And we have only begun, there is so much more we can do to not just improve the time for conceptual design but for the entire design and procurement process."