Begin your journey in transforming construction.

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Those fabricating and providing Offsite products and systems to the construction industry.

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Organisation profile page

A dedicated place to showcase your business to customers looking for offsite solutions.

Case studies

Share your very latest next project, to your completed flagship scheme.

Lead Generation

Direct customer lead generation.

Customer insights

Understand your leads and potential customers.

Market wide insights

Coming soon. Industry data insights across products and profiles.



Static pages

Showcase your offsite products on the dedicated KOPE platform for offsite construction.

File hosting

Upload your product literature and images.


Demo your product instantly. Show it in 3D, how SKUs change it's size and proterty values, and it's product placement in a demo model.

iFrame Integration

Host flex-configurator on your own website.

Construct Apply Logic

Build the rules and logic for placing products in projects like never before.

Private Hosted Logic

Connect your product logic to KOPE's dedicated offsite project solutions and infrastructure.


Upload Project Files

Upload your project files and benefit from KOPE's cloud infrastructure.

Apply Benchmark Products

Apply you products to live project files, following you approved rules and logic.

Result Comparison

See how different product placement rules compare and which is right for your scheme.


Allow our AI engine to find the project's optimal product solution.

Model Downloads

Download models.


Export drawings, pricing metrics, machine files and other outputs as needed for your project.



Email Support

Email support from KOPE's expert team.

Account Manager

A dedicated KOPE expert to get the most from the KOPE Platform.


Connect KOPE with your SSO solution.


Connect KOPE to your own data system for greater insights.

* Coming soon

Product Implementation Fees

Compare plans
Static Product Pages

Upload, manage, and share your offsite products. Descriptions, product literature, file, certifications and more.

Flex Configurator - Single

A 3D viewer to showcase your offsite manufactured product's gemetry and data.

From £100
Flex Configurator - Dynamic

A 3D configurator for products with multiple SKUs. Demo how your product's geomtry and data values change with different inputs.

From £200
Flex Configurator - Configured

Showcase your product solution on demo scenarios. See your product's placement rules and logic in action,  allow users to change inputs and see the solution there and then.

From £500
Apply Product - Templated

Define your product logic using KOPE's product templates. Define how your products solve interface details with your manufacturable constraints.

From £2,000
Apply Product - Adapted

Build upon a KOPE product template your bespoke logic needs and actions. Tailored results for your exact product.

From £5,000
Apply Product - Bespoke

Develop bespoke logic and rules for your product and system and benefit from KOPE's platform and infrastructure for your own needs.

From £15,000

Which plan suits me best?

I want to focus on showcasing my products

As a supplier of products to the industry, we know you want to show off your capabilities. Our Entry license allows you to demonstrate your products like never before. No need for big BIM libraries, we allow you to show all of your product variations in an easy to use interface. This comes alongside all the benefits of our Free license such as hosting your catalogue and its associated files for sharing. Surfacing your products when specifiers search for related needs, all on the worlds only dedicated hub for offsite construction.

I want to see how my products work for a project

We are focused on giving everyone the ability to understand how products can be used in construction as effectively as possible. This relies on using the rules and limitations of any system and making sure the design process respects them. With our Pro license, you can instantly place your own products directly into design models, allowing you to get instant visibility on how your product fits a design. With KOPE, you can test feasibility and explore the limits of your products. For those with large portfolios of products, talk to us about our Enterprise license.

I need to give pricing quickly for the use of my products

When supplying your products, we understand you need cost visibility. With our Pro license, you can instantly see how costs are impacted by the slightest of design adjustments. With KOPE, you can return estimates and quotes faster and with greater accuracy, all while benefiting from our optimiser to unlock even more value. For those with large portfolios of products, talk to us about our Enterprise license.

I want to see which specifiers use my products

We know it's important to understand who is interested in your products. Suppliers on a Free license can connect directly to specifiers and in turn they can contact suppliers they are interested in. Alongside this, with a KOPE Entry license, you can access insights and metrics into leads visiting your profile and downloading your content allowing you to make the right connection at the right time.

Those who focus on the design, specification and procurement of products and systems for construction projects.

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Organisation profile page

A dedicated place to showcase your business to customers looking for offsite solutions.

Case studies

Share your very latest next project, to your completed flagship scheme.

Market wide insights

Coming soon. Industry data insights across products and profiles.



Organisation search

Find offsite manufacturers for your projects and supply chain needs.

Direct supplier contact

Message suppliers directly.

Supply Chain Management

Create, track and manage your offiste supply chain on KOPE's dedicated offsite platform.

Product search

Search across companies, certifications, specification data and more.

Product Comparison

Search across companies, certifications, specification data and more.



Demo Projects

Apply manufacturer's products to full scale projects,  compare results and adjust product inputs with Manufacturer's limits.

Upload Project Files

Upload your project files and benefit from KOPE's cloud infrastructure.

Apply Benchmark Products

Apply products to live project files, following approved rules and logic.

Result Comparison

See how different product placement rules compare and which is right for your scheme.


Allow our AI engine to find the project's optimal product solution.

Model Downloads

Download models as you need.


Export drawings, pricing metrics, machine files and other outputs as needed for your project.


Email Support

Email support from KOPE's expert team.

Account Manager

A dedicated KOPE expert to get the most from the KOPE Platform.


Connect KOPE with your SSO solution.


Connect KOPE to your own data system for greater insights.

* Coming soon

Which plan suits me best?

I want to understand what is available in the market

Visibility is so important. With KOPE, you have an overview of the entire offsite industry with the most complete and exhaustive database. By signing up for a Free license, you can see what products are available from different suppliers and find the right products for your projects by comparing costs, specifications and more.

I want to test solutions for my design project

With KOPE bringing products and projects together, you can instantly see how benchmarked construction systems will work in your designs with a Benchmark license. Or go beyond with real-world verified products instantly applied to your projects with our Market license. Know with confidence that solutions are supported by true product and manufacturing process capabilities and gain access to our optimisation system.

I need to get an understanding of the cost of my design

Cost visibility is central to so many decisions and KOPE allows you to test different offsite solutions and see how they compare. With our Benchmark license, you can explore pre-set systems that help support early stage design or you can opt for our Market license, allowing you to see real-world products from verified suppliers. All giving you direct understanding of cost at different stages of your design process.

I want to see the important information on how products will perform

KOPE allows you to discover products that address your project requirements and connect you with the suppliers directly through our Free license. For those looking to go more in-depth and discover the impacts on their designs directly, you can choose between our Benchmark license giving access to pre-set systems that can support early stage decisions. Or take advantage of the complete KOPE platform with a Market license, allowing you to instantly apply offsite products directly into your design files giving true clarity on decision making.

I want to make sure I'm using products as intended by the supplier

We all know its important to use construction products within their intended use and capabilities. With KOPE, you don't simply get access to product files showing how they look. KOPE uses the underlying rules of those products to understand how they can and cannot be used in design. With a KOPE Market license, you can explore, use and optimise real world products directly in your designs. All within the limitations of the product itself meaning no reworking and no human error.

Get started with KOPE today

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